Biofeedback Allows Profound Change
by Norma J. Hope
Certified Biofeedback Therapist
One of life’s most challenging things is being in a relationship with someone. Being aware of our own pre-set ‘reactivity’ due to past emotional hurts/trauma, in the moment, is a necessity so we don’t sabotage ourselves or the relationship.
We can only truly see and hear each other as separate people when we can ‘show up’ as our true self, feeling present in our body, not in our head. That is the end of co-dependence and the beginning of ‘attuning’ with your own self which opens the door for ‘attunement’ in relationship (that feeling of being ‘at one’ with another human being).
We all want a loving relationship that lasts but it is your relationship with yourself (and your connection to all of you) that stands the test of time and then, even when alone, you are not ever alone – you have you.
I have arrived at that place. I see and hear me. I am connected to a ‘knowing’ in my body, that I am a loving, vulnerable person. And that allows me to no longer make it someone else’s job to make me feel loveable. And without that ‘reactivity’ getting in the way, I can truly enjoy a relationship.
I know from my prior relationships and observing those of my clients, that sooner or later your past emotional issues will surface. Your own awareness of you and your ‘stuff’ can save your sanity. It’ll allow you to observe instead of reacting when things get tense during stressful times with your partner.
Biofeedback is a ‘saving grace’ in my life and for my clients too. It’s one of the best ways to improve your awareness of yourself and what’s really under the surface. It identifies your stressors (emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually) and then uses frequencies to retrain and rebalance your ‘reactivity’ to life on every level so you can process stress differently in your life.
Once we are aware of what ‘hooks’ us into that temporary insanity (that makes us react the way we do), we can change it. The ‘aha’ moments and reconnection that I have seen for clients (and myself) is absolutely awesome. Awareness is empowering and that allows changing and shifting to take place.
Stepping up for yourself, reconnecting to all of you, allows YOU to see and hear YOURSELF as you have never been seen and heard by anyone before in your life, and then the fun begins again for you and in a relationship.
It can be kind of scary - stepping up. But unless we make a change, nothing will change at all. Albert Einstein said: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
Time to give ourselves a break from the insanity of the old programming interfering and stopping us from feeling the absolute JOY we can have each day in relationship with ourselves or partner.
One couple (that uses Biofeedback) has noticed a big difference in their relationships. Janet (37-years-old) said that since doing Biofeedback, she is calmer and not as reactive with her partner over not being seen and heard by him. She can step back and catch herself in the moment, even with her children when they don’t hear her. Her partner, Barry, agreed and said that he is able to ‘show up’ more now and finds it easier to do so. He said their partnership feels renewed, with less triggers, and they are having fun again themselves. They don’t just focus on the children’s needs. Everyone’s needs are now being met.
Norma Hope is a Certified Biofeedback Specialist, Certified Colon Hydrotherapist, Lymph Therapist, NeuroAcoustic Sound Therapist, Microcurrent Therapist, Thought Field Therapist and more… Call 780-477-1100.
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- Biofeedback Allows Profound Change
Mosaic Magazine Article by Norma Hope