Heart Rate Variability Testing
Ever wonder if whatever you are presently doing for your health is really working for you on the inside – improving your health in the most essential places and body systems? You can find out with Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Testing.
It is an ECG that provides you with real time readings from your whole person like: Cardio-Vascular Adaptation, Autonomic Nervous System Regulation, Neuro-Hormonal Regulation, Psycho-Emotional State with levels of Dopamine, Serotonin & more, Comprehensive Health, Self-Healing Potential, Functional States of Sympathetic Nervous System, Para-Sympathetic Nervous System, Complex Analysis of Health Condition and so much more.
These pictures are before and after HRV sessions after Biofeedback Stress Reduction Therapy was done with client. It shows the improvements on the body systems by reducing stress with Biofeedback in all systems.
Whatever therapy or changes you are undertaking can be measured with this medical device so you know if what you are doing is making a change on the inside where it counts.
And remember STRESS is a major toxin and TOXINS are the cause of over 90% of all disease according to medical studies. Our left brain does love to see this type of information to validate our choices and sometimes hard work to get healthier.
For more information call Norma at (780) 477-1100.
Toxins = Disease
How To Reduce Toxins From Your Life With A Few Simple Steps. Get My FREE Report Now.
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