Opening Doors To Healing
by Norma J. Hope
Certified Biofeedback Therapist
I know, from having lived it, that chronic physical conditions like constipation, pain, fatigue, plus others, can all be symptoms resulting from underlying emotional trauma in childhood.
Trauma has many causes, including not being heard and seen, especially from birth to six years old. That is devastating to a child, causing so much confusion emotionally. In addition, it deregulates your nervous systems due to constant fight, flight or freeze reactions occurring when you were not heard.
A child feels everything viscerally. Trauma always causes a tightening physically in the body somewhere. Not being allowed to feel and express what one is feeling is traumatic. This is the beginning of disconnecting from our body and our loss of sense of self, which also sets up chronic physical conditions.
This is also why we don’t remember parts of our childhood. I didn’t remember anything from before I turned 15. I didn’t even remember I had a first father and another brother.
Doing Colon Hydrotherapy in 1997 healed my chronic constipation, low back pain and other symptoms. That ignited my passion to do it professionally. But even more astounding was that it made me aware of how disconnected I had been all my life. It opened the door to deeply buried feelings, which started my journey of healing.
In 1961, I was taken from my home in Spiritwood, Saskatchewan (along with four, out of five, siblings) by my mother while my dad and oldest brother were away in another town for that day. I was three and a half years old. She took us to meet her boyfriend, where we were all loaded into his vehicle and drove to Ontario.
In Ontario, I was given to neighbors everyday who were strangers to me. I remember being devastated and so confused. Dad had disappeared. My mom was gone every day. All the feelings I has having (at the time) were not allowed. I got spanked by mom if I cried or if I asked where daddy was. I was told to call the boyfriend ‘dad’. It wasn’t long before I had absolutely no memory that I had a first father and another brother. I stopped feeling.
It has not been an easy journey but it has honestly been worth every tear to be able to remember and feel the joy of being me. I only ‘existed’ before, never truly living my life.
I did reconnect with my first dad before he died. I know deep inside that he loved me. My oldest brother and I have cried a lot together. He also told me about my dad hiring private investigators for years to try to find us kids.
My passion to find out who I really was inside (personally and professionally) got started with those Colon Hydrotherapy sessions. I had been a workaholic, independent insurance adjuster previous to that. And the journey continued with other therapies that I became certified in because they changed my life in some way.
Lymph Drainage Therapy got me in touch with a gentleness in me I never knew existed. Biofeedback Stress Reduction Therapy is amazing for identifying how you feel especially when you don’t know. It retrains and reduces the emotional, physical, mental and spiritual stress caused by life including past trauma.
I have the privilege of helping to open the door for others. I love who I am and what I do for adults and especially child clients.
Norma Hope is a Certified Biofeedback Specialist, Certified Colon Hydrotherapist, Lymph Therapist, NeuroAcoustic Sound Therapist, Microcurrent Therapist, Thought Field Therapist and more… Call 780-477-1100.
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- Opening Doors to Healing
Mosaic Magazine Article by Norma Hope