Retraining our Emotional Brain
by Norma J. Hope
Certified Biofeedback Specialist
Since becoming a therapist in 1999, plus healing my own trauma, I’ve always been fascinated with our emotional brain - the Limbic System.
The Limbic System is primarily responsible for our emotional life including interpreting our experiences of fear, anger, pleasure, sorrow and storing them. It’s involved in everyday survival, signalling you when you are hungry, thirsty, plus other ‘wants’. It also regulates your nervous systems, hormones, sensory perception and motor function.
It is an absolute ‘go to’ place when doing Biofeedback Stress Reduction Therapy with clients as it identifies, re-trains and balances old traumas that ‘run us’ subconsciously, which also affects what we attract into our lives.
It is our emotional memories including traumas (from our experiences from the time we were in the womb [gestation] to six years old), that predetermine our ‘set’ points for us in the Limbic System. When we don’t heal our past trauma, our subconscious emotional memories of them get retrieved (triggered) into present day as if the trauma is happening right this minute. It feels HUGE because we were so little when the original memory of that trauma was stored, even though we are now adults.
The brain is extremely complex. The main brain structures that make up the Limbic System are the amygdala, hippocampus, hypothalamus, plus four other minor ones. The amygdala decides which memories get stored and which don’t (memories with the most emotional charge always get stored - fear is very memorable). The hippocampus indexes our emotional memories sending them into storage and also retrieving them when we get triggered. The hypothalamus is mainly concerned with homeostasis, which is the process of returning something to a normal ‘set’ point – like the set thermostat temperature in your home tells the furnace when to come on or shut off. It constantly brings most brain and body functions back to your ‘set’ points every nanosecond of every minute of every day.
Trauma skews normal ‘set’ points. For example, feeling intense fear/anxiety in a situation today that is not really scary as an adult, but your memory says it is. Imbalance in the Limbic System also causes addictions like drugs, alcohol, gambling, sweets or overeating.
Biofeedback Therapy (through a complex computer matrix) interfaces with your subconscious allowing non-verbal conversation, using the language of energy in a positive, productive way to identify and access these Limbic System stored memories. Biofeedback identifies a client’s individual traumas, at what age and with whom. It has 850 program screens utilizing 11,000 different signature frequencies to ‘re-train’ the stress caused on an emotional, physical, mental and spiritual level.
Robert, a 13-year-old client, had severe constipation. I know from experience as a Certified Colon Hydrotherapist, and personally, that stress from emotional trauma mostly causes this. After one biofeedback session, he was eliminating. After the second session, Robert’s stress and fear were reduced enough that he confided in his mother that he was being bullied at school. Biofeedback Therapy identified the traumas from gestation and early childhood from his subconscious, which were related to the reasons he attracted bullies. After several sessions, the fear and bullies have stopped, and he is experiencing a new emotional bond with his father.
Another client, Dennis (26-year-old man) had anger issues causing multiple problems in his life. He felt he would get extremely mad over really little things. Biofeedback Therapy identified three traumas during gestation weeks 18, 26 and 32. The Biofeedback frequencies balanced these traumas without knowledge of what they were, releasing the anger. His mother (when asked) told him she attempted suicide three times when pregnant. Biofeedback Therapy brings balance to your life.
Norma Hope is a Certified Biofeedback Specialist, Certified Colon Hydrotherapist, Lymph Therapist, NeuroAcoustic Sound Therapist, Microcurrent Therapist, Thought Field Therapist and more… Call 780-477-1100.
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- Retraining our Emotional Brain Mosaic
Mosaic Magazine Article by Norma Hope