About Us
Norma J. Hope
Certified Therapist / Owner
Cleanse Works / Life Synergy Inc
“When I started cleansing in 1997 for the first time with Colon Hydrotherapy, it quite simply changed my life".
My occupation then of being an independent insurance adjuster for 21 years no longer fit who I had uncovered after doing those first consecutive sessions. I no longer suffered from Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue, Back Pain or Headaches. It was the very beginning of discovering the real me under all the layers of toxins, stress and prior emotional trauma.
And that motivated me to become a Certified Colon Hydrotherapist and then become certified in other therapies. Life Synergy Inc – Cleanse Works began in early 1999. My mission was and will always be “Promoting Health from Within”.
Biofeedback Stress Reduction Therapy identified where my stressors were as it does for clients then it reduces your stress, balances and clears emotional, physical, mental and spiritual stress and its reactivity so it gave me a feeling of freedom and retrained my typical way of “reacting”. It taught me how “to do” stress differently, allowing for a inner knowing and expansion to happen
The therapies that improved me and my life are the ones I became certified in: Colon Hydrotherapy, Biofeedback Stress Reduction, Shamanic Spiritual Healing and Energy Medicine, Quantum Shamanic Reiki, Lymph Drainage Therapy, Lymph Detoxification, Life Coaching, GForm Microcurrent Therapies: Fat Cell Reduction and Core Strengthening and I even became Certified as a Raw Vegan Chef!
I then started Health Classes for clients in Raw Vegan eating, Healthy Cacao Chocolate making, Fermented Veggies, Shamanic Dance, Quantum Shamanic Reiki Levels 1 thru to Master and Healing Circles.
Only you can know what is right for you in your life. Helping you, coaching you in the best ways to access your inner “knowing”, will allow YOU to know – to choose, to move forward in your life with purpose but more importantly, with joy and presence.
Feel free to contact me at:
Email: Norma@LifeSynergyInc.ca
Phone: (780) 477-1100
Instagram: normahopehealing
Facebook: Cleanse Works – Life Synergy Inc
Toxins = Disease
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