EPR Biofeedback Stress Reduction & Management
EPR (Electro-Physiological Reactivity) Biofeedback Stress Reduction identifies where your stress is first, and what is out of balance. Then this type of Biofeedback sends frequencies into the body which re-train you to respond to stress differently in your life physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. It allows you to live your life instead of “reacting” to it.
It is especially profound in correcting all stress but the emotional stress of anxiety, anger, depression, ADD, ADHD, is quickly changed for the better and more.
The sessions themselves involve you relaxing in a lazy boy chair. The bands are placed on your ankles, wrists and a headband. Then its complex computer software starts a test immediately where the frequencies are sent to you on all levels and then your bodies
“feedback” (reaction to each of the 11,500 frequencies) identifying what is stressed emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually. Then these frequencies are sent as programs through the straps to correct the existing identified stress.
Stress alters biochemistry, neurological functioning, weakens immunity, slows or stop digestive function and is a major toxin. It is medically documented as being the number one cause of as much as 97% of most disease.
Stress triggers the body’s fight or flight response too often in each of our daily lives. That reaction releases adrenalin and cortisol, speeding the heart rate, slowing digestion, decreasing blood flow, causing adrenal fatigue or chronic fatigue over time and many more detrimental effects inside that we don’t feel at the time it is happening and may not feel until disease shows up or malfunction or symptoms occur.
Biofeedback technology is not new. Quite simply, biofeedback is any technique which takes a measurement of the body and provides a result. This technology is involved in EEG, ECG, and is utilized also in the CAT scan, the MRI, TENS and Ultrasound devices. The factors of the body electric can be measured such as the voltage firing brain cells, the amperage of the heart muscle contractions, the voltage of the muscles, the resistance of flow of the electricity of the skin.
The human body is a complicated, complex entity requiring assistance to further our own individual awareness plus Biofeedback re-trains you to do stress differently in your life. Even the emotional reactants can be balanced thereby allowing for improving our quality of life.
EPR (Electro-Physiological Reactivity) Biofeedback Stress Reduction, Management and Muscular Re-education Therapy consists of complex computer software which measures the individual clients reactants from inside the body, emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually; what is reactive, what is out of balance, what needs tuning or awareness. It then uses frequencies to retrain you to do stress differently, to balance what is out of balance plus it is relaxing and the best stress tool out there.
The first appointment is 1.5 hours. Your concerns about your health are addressed as well as the Stress Reactivity that Biofeedback identifies during your session. There are also different protocols for many types of stress to be balanced, emotional, physical, mental, spiritual or etheric. It is individual and your choice. The first session can help you identify what you need. For more information check out this post on Biofeedback and stress or Email Norma at norma@lifesynergyinc.ca or call (780) 477-1100.
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