Shamanic Healing & Energy Medicine
Heal your present, past and future wounds.
Shamanic Healing and Energy Medicine helps you in healing your core wounds, past trauma and limiting beliefs that are preventing you from fully stepping up and into the life you are meant to have. This Healing helps you get past being stuck and is a conscious decision to step out your wounds, your suffering and move forward.
Moving forward in your life requires healing the Four Core wounds which are the primary cause of anxiety, anger, breathlessness, depression, obsessive thinking, perfectionism, self-sabotage, present-day triggers like feeling not heard or seen, plus even digestive issues (constipation/diarrhea), chronic fatigue and other emotional and physical ailments.
The four core wounds are Abandonment, Self Worth/Self Love, Rejection and Betrayal which are the underlying cause of how we respond,” react” and function in our life in all relationships and especially the one with our self. Healing helps you to let go of what no longer serves you. Any wound or issue you are struggling with or want to work on can be healed. And on all levels; emotional, physical, mental, spiritual and karmic. Healing Sessions are in person or via distance by phone or zoom or interconnected.
This Algonquin based Shamanic Healing and Energy Medicine accesses the traditional medicines of Bear, Wolf, Owl, Beaver, Turtle, Eagle, Butterfly, Dragonfly plus Elemental Healing, Medicine Wheel healing and many more. This Ancient way of healing is unlimited.
There are a great many ceremonies and healings that can be accessed. For example; Power/soul retrieval, meeting your guides - higher self, spirit guide, divine aspect, trance journeying - meet a past ancestor, past life healing, tracking wounds to their root cause, soul reflection. DNA healing, lineage healing, stone ceremonies plus many more.
Norma Hope, trained and received the Medicine Rites for all ceremonies of Shamanic Spiritual Healing and Energy Medicine plus all Attunements as a Quantum Shamanic Reiki Master from Algonquin Medicine Man, Pete Bernard, of the Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation near Ottawa, Ontario; (the8thfire.com)
Each day, pause and be aware that the universe places choices in front of you. What you choose, tells the universe to open for your next step or give you a test to see if you are ready or not. Choose YOUR new story on your intended path, emotionally and spiritually, Choose YOU!
- Chi Meegwetch
Email: norma@lifesynergyinc.ca
Phone: (780) 477-1100
DM on Instagram to “normahopehealing”
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